North Grenville Dog Licensing

Apply for your licence online today!

If you have previously received a tag online from North Grenville...
If you have registered one or more pets, in-house or online...

Please enter a tag number so that we can look up your account:

If you have never received a tag from North Grenville...
If you have never registered a pet with North Grenville...

You may create a new account with us online - Click the button below to begin.


Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a licence cost?

$15 annually if purchased or renewed before January 31st, $30 if purchased later in the year.

Is there a fee for a replacement tag?

Yes, a $7 fee applies for replacement tags.

Is there a limit on how many licences I can purchase?

No more than 3 dogs over 20 weeks of age are allowed in areas that are not zoned as agricultural or rural.

How do I get a licence?

You can purchase or renew your licence online using a credit or VISA debit card, or via PayPal.

How long is my licence valid for?

Dog licences are valid until December 31st in the year of purchase.

Is there a leash by-law in North Grenville?

All dogs must be leashed when off the property of the owner at all times. This includes the Ferguson Forestry Centre.

What if I get a new dog after the January 31st deadline?

The system is automatically setup to charge the late fee of $30.00. If you obtain a new dog after January 31, you will be required to attend at the Municipal Centre or By-law office with proof of the acquisition to qualify for the reduced fee.

Are dogs allowed off leash on the trails in the forestry?

No, A leash is required at all times except when inside the fenced area of the dog park and a fine may be levied on a first offence.